There are several key differences between land rights in Vietnam and Australia:
Ownership: In Vietnam, land is owned by the state, and individuals and businesses can only hold land use rights. In Australia, individuals and businesses can own land outright.
Land use rights: In Vietnam, land use rights are granted for a specific period of time, typically 50 or 70 years, and can be renewed upon expiration. In Australia, land ownership is generally indefinite.
Land acquisition: In Vietnam, the process of acquiring land use rights can be complex and involves negotiations with the government. In Australia, land can be acquired through purchase from a private owner or through government land sales.
Land use regulations: In Vietnam, land use is regulated by the government and can be subject to strict controls. In Australia, land use is generally more flexible and is subject to local zoning and planning regulations.
Overall, there are significant differences in the way land rights are handled in Vietnam and Australia, and it's important to understand these differences if you are considering doing business in Vietnam.